8 Ways for Tired Mamas to Increase their Energy

Here’s the truth: I’ve never been SO exhausted as I have been in motherhood.

Watching the monitor in the middle of the night, hopping out of bed to prep a bottle, sticking to a pumping schedule (even when that alarm was set for 2am), tending to little toddlers waking up early and popping their heads out because they don’t know WHAT time it is…

I’m telling you, sleep is elusive in this stage of life.

And in general, I would say we have *pretty* good sleepers around here, but we still have our rough nights and off weeks.

If you’re in this same boat right now, I’m with you in solidarity, sister. We can use all the extra energy ideas we can get, am I right?!

I’ve tried so many tips for how to have more energy, and turns out, there are a few that actually make a difference.

Below, I’m sharing with you eight tips for how to increase your energy no matter what stage of motherhood you’re in — so you can get more done and be more present for the people and work in front of you.

And psst: NONE of these involve caffeine. Because as much as I savor my daily coffee, increasing your energy consistently is more about proactive measures you can start taking today.

01. Prioritize sleep when possible.

This first one is obvious — if you CAN prioritize a full night of sleep, do it. 

Sleep is when your body heals and your mind recharges. Maybe you and your partner can switch who has control over the monitor each night, or you shift your sleeping hours to better align with when your littles are DOWN for good. 

I know, I know, we would all LOVE to have perfect sleepers and get a full night of rest every night; so if you’re not quite there yet, keep reading. 

But if you are able to make sleep more of a priority in this season of life, START THERE. If nothing else, this is a solid first step to infusing more energy into your day.

02. Manage what you eat.

The food you consume on a daily basis is absolutely a contributing factor to your energy and overall wellbeing.

When you’re feeling the need to munch, try to reach for healthier alternatives. For instance, foods with protein, fiber, complex carbs, and magnesium can help give you that extended energy you need to get through the day.

Think of snacks like fruit, nuts, yogurt, edamame, eggs, hummus and veggies, no-bake energy balls, and smoothies are all great energy-boosting snack ideas.

Pro tip: When willpower is low, choosing the healthier alternative is even tougher in the moment. If you find yourself tempted to grab Oreos or an Oatmeal Creme Pie (hi, my weakness) every chance you get, try eliminating these specific items from your pantry altogether and replace them with healthier options that are just as easy to grab and eat on the go. When you design your environment for success, you’re more likely to make better choices that serve you in the short-term and the long-term.

03. Exercise regularly.

Moving your body in an intentional way through exercise multiple times a week is a great way to improve focus, memory, AND energy — the benefits are endless.

I’ve found that when the weather is great, I can pack the girls up in a stroller or wagon and get outside for some fresh air and exercise… my ideal way to move!

But when that’s not the case, you can still try to find ways to get some regular movement in inside your home or at the gym. 

(To be honest, lugging around a baby and chasing a three year old all day feels like it’s own form of exercise, but I digress.)

04. Be mindful of what you consume.

And this time, I’m not just talking about food.

The media you consume and the people you surround yourself with can directly affect your energy and mood.

A few practices to try in order to curate a more energizing, feel-good experience:

  • Delete apps you find yourself mindlessly clicking over to that aren’t serving you in a positive way.

  • Unfollow, unfriend, or block anyone you follow on social media who might be taking a toll on your mental health. That kind of exposure is simply not worth it and not welcome in your day.

  • Mute conversations on your phone that don’t need your immediate attention and are causing additional anxiety.

  • Turn your phone on Do Not Disturb during dedicated hours of the day. 

  • Be intentional about who you give your time to through phone calls and coffee dates (especially in a season of life where your personal time is already so slim). Don’t say “yes” to meeting up if you’re already feeling resistance to spending time with that person. You’ll find that some people in your life leave you feeling energized and inspired, and others leave you feeling drained or triggered. Invest in the people and relationships that feel most aligned with your values in this season of life.

05. Give your mind and body a daily dose of Vitamin D.

Expose yourself to sunlight for at least a few minutes a day for a boost in energy, focus, and pure, unfiltered joy.

Stepping outside into the sunlight and fresh air — even on the coldest of days — has such an immediate, uplifting impact. 

Increasing natural light throughout your home by opening blinds and lifting shades is a great way to invite that light in without much effort; but ultimately, stepping out into the world, outside of your home, is a completely transformative experience all on its own.

And maybe regular exposure is a part of your day already if you’re on the go, in and out of your house throughout the day.

But if you work from home or are a stay at home mom, these little intentional reminders to step outside are necessary and so impactful.

06. Stay hydrated.

Yes, I know — another cliché you’ve likely heard so many times before.

But the truth is, water fuels our bodies and minds and basically everything we do. It’s as vital as the air we breathe.

Staying hydrated throughout the day is especially important when you’re on the move (*ahem* busy mamas) and have a lot to focus and concentrate on (hi again, mamas).

Outside of your energy levels, water helps with focus, headache and migraine prevention, constipation prevention, kidney stone formation prevention, aiding in digestion, blood pressure normalization, and so much more.

Pro tip: You may be aware that there are instances where you can intake too much water if you have a particular health condition. Know your recommended intake based on your own health conditions and body weight, etc. Pregnant and breast-feeding mamas might need a little more fluids per day than average, for instance.

07. Get comfortable saying no.

This one aligns with my earlier point number 4: get comfortable with saying no to anything not aligned with your goals or values in this season of life.

This sounds a little harsh, but the truth is, if we say “yes” to everything and make everything a priority… we don’t really have easily-defined priorities.

Your priorities come to light when you look at how you’re spending your time. (Read that again.)

So if you look at how you spent your time over the course of a day or a week, do these activities, people, and things align with who you want to be in this season? Are you the priorities you SAY you have easily recognized in how you spend your time?

Politely excusing yourself from people, events, or opportunities that aren’t aligned with your life in this season isn’t rude; it’s a necessary route to ensuring your actual priorities are an active, present part of your life.

08. Design your environment intentionally.

This is easily one of the most over-looked ways to increase your energy and mood: your environment is everything.

And it’s one thing you have direct control over (or at least mostly, depending on your current living situation). 

How does your bedroom make you feel as you get ready for sleep at the end of the day?

Does your kitchen invite the kind of vibes and feelings you desire while making that cup of coffee or preparing a meal for your family?

What does your home communicate the minute a guest walks in the door?

This isn’t about having a spotless home; it’s about creating an intentional environment by caring for your home and designing an experience you love to be in day after day.

This is where you live most of — or at least, a good chunk of — your life. Bring a little more intention to your space by creating a spacial experience that supports and energizes you throughout the day.

Pro tip: One way to start curating a more intentional space in your home is to run through the senses — what do you see, smell, hear, and feel in your space? A scent you love paired with a little background music and inspiring artwork might be a great way to elevate your space and bring more joy to your day, for instance.

Start incorporating daily habits and moments of joy and energy into your day with the tips above; drink a glass water, step out into the sunshine, infuse your space with fresh air, delete a time-sucking app, reach out to catch up with a friend. 

Most methods for increasing your energy on a regular basis aren’t difficult — but they do require a little intention to make them happen. Pick one thing from this list to start with today.


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